Monday, April 5, 2010

My Mother

My Mother

She was my biggest cheerleader,
She was my very best friend.
She was my harshest critic,
She pushed me to the very end.
She knew the words to tell me
when my spirits were so low.
She kicked me in the rear;
telling me, "You'd better go!"
Though she has left us,
I, to this day, still hear
her whispering to me,
"I still love you, dear."

As I grow and travel on,
I notice more and more,
her mannerisms live in me;
To love or to abhor?
We say when we are little ones,
"Like her, I'll never be!"
And every day I realize
I am more like she.
Her crusty nature
when she was peeved,
I evidence more now.
And never minding
glaring stares
when laughing so out loud.

I see her face all the time
in pictures of my little sis.
I hope she sees from on high
how close our relationship is.
This would have made her happy;
it would have made her proud.
More than any medals or awards,
she always urged us to treat the other
with kinder, gentler words.

I wish she were still with us;
I really want her here.
I miss her constant pushing;
I miss her glowing cheer.
I hope God sees the bounty
of goodness he has there.
She may be rough 'round the edges,
but her heart so much fruit to bear.
I love and miss you, Mom!