Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Easter Food Memories

What dish brings Easter to mind for you?
Leg of lamb will always be my best Easter food memory. When I asked Mom why this was a traditional Easter dish, she explained that the celebration of sacrifice and rebirth was at the heart of the matter. This doesn't explain the mint jelly, which is still quite popular, but that's another debate.

Lately, marshmallow fluff has become a focus in the form of the bright yellow 'peeps' chicks. Or do you rifle through your basket in search of that scrumptious chocolate rabbit? Of course, you can never discount the delicious tradition of hardboiled egss.

To some, I am informed, the very best part of the Easter celebration is the coloring of those hardboiled eggs! Whether your decorations are a standard one color affair or a delving into the intricate arts of egg carving, this tradition is enjoyable to young and old!

So what says Easter to you?!

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